A bunion changes the shape of your foot by causing the joint at the base of your toe to jut out toward the other foot. If you experience pain or discomfort from a bunion, Jacob Stuart, DPM, and the rest of the team at Pinnacle Foot and Ankle Clinic in Westminster, Colorado, take their time to treat your symptoms with effective nonsurgical care. To schedule an appointment, call Pinnacle Foot and Ankle Clinic or book online today.

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What is a bunion?

A bunion is a protrusion of the bone at the base of your toe. It typically protrudes inward toward your other foot, which eventually forces the big toe to angle toward your other toes. Sometimes, you may notice redness around the bunion and experience some soreness or pressure. Any soreness worsens when you wear tight, narrow, or high-heeled shoes.

Symptoms of bunions vary based on severity and can get generally worse over time, even if you don’t experience all of them every day. You might notice:

  • Corns and callouses between the first and second toes
  • Swelling around the bunion
  • Redness around the bunion
  • Soreness around the bunion
  • Limited big toe movement

The pain of a bunion often worsens after long periods of standing, walking, or running. Many people don’t need bunion treatment, but if you experience ongoing or frequent discomfort, you should visit Pinnacle Foot and Ankle Care.

How did I get a bunion?

There are many possible reasons why you might have a bunion on one or both of your feet. Bunions tend to affect certain foot types, so your genetics can increase your risk of getting a bunion. You might also have a foot complication that has been present since birth that predisposes you to bunions.

Additionally, stress on your foot and specific injuries can contribute to bunions. It’s possible that tight and narrow footwear plays a role in causing bunions just as it aggravates them too. Certain types of arthritis can also cause or worsen bunions, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

Are bunions treatable?

You can do many things on your own time and professional podiatric treatments that can ease the discomfort that bunions often cause. You cannot fully remove a bunion without surgery, but you can relieve pain or discomfort with:

  • Ice
  • Custom orthotics
  • Shoes that fit well
  • Medications
  • Padding

You might need bunion surgery if you experience significant discomfort and little or no improvements with more conservative care. Bunion surgeries work in a few different ways,  including removing part of the bone in your foot, removing swollen tissue around the joint, and realigning the bones of your toe.

To find out about bunion treatments to ease your discomfort, call Pinnacle Foot and Ankle Clinic or book an appointment online today.